What is SXO?


What is SXO?

You have certainly already heard of him. You lend an attentive ear to web marketing. SXO can be defined as the marriage between SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and UX (User eXperience).

Therefore, this concept combines search engine optimizations with strategies to improve the user experience. When we adopt the SXO approach, the sole positioning of a site's pages in Google, Bing, or Yahoo is no longer sufficient. Its managers must be systematically driven by the desire to meet Internet users' expectations who visit their blog or their online store; at best, they must do everything possible to retain and convert them.

Attention, the fundamentals of natural referencing remain. The content - technical - net linking triptych is still preponderant. But it should no longer only focus the attention of traders and SEOs.

What actions to accomplish in SXO?

A few years ago, when the competition was not so strong, a company could largely reap the benefits of simplifying its content. Relevant titles, H1 tags made up of synonyms of the targeted key phrase, a few links on sites with high Page Rank… and voila!

Now, there is so much content that you have to play elbows and win in SEO to appear on the first page. Then, when we manage to place ourselves in a good position, we must still make the user click on his site. Finally, UX must be efficient to convert. SXO, a true alliance between natural referencing and user experience, allows you to get from the point where your site is not visible to the one where it converts. It is one of the major trends in 2018.

To promote its CTR (click rate), it may be interesting to mention the product title's price, underline the free shipping costs, promote very advantageous deadlines, or even create personas.

When the Internet user has been drawn into the cracks of your net, it would also be profitable to highlight additional content likely to interest him. For a media that makes a comparison of high-end smartphones, it may be to encourage it to discover mid-range devices that could also perfectly match its uses. A distributor will be able to highlight compatible accessories alongside a telephone that he offers for sale.

How to take advantage of universal search?

The SXO requires you to work more on your search engines' visibility, taking into account all the possibilities available to you, well beyond the traditional search results. First of all, each site must try to position pages of its site on position zero. What is it about? Quite simply from an extract of content that Google presents directly to the Internet user in the results. It is profitable in terms of image for the authors. It is a safe bet that the platforms that are thus valued by the engine globally adopt good practices and offer the best user experience to Internet users.

Then, Google Shopping presents merchants' opportunities, and the image search engine allows any site to attract more visitors.

Rich snippets (or structured data) are also fully in line with the SXO approach. A supporter looking for tickets to attend PSG football matches? Admittedly, the official shop page of the Parisian club is rightly highlighted in the results. Still, a ticket exchange platform is particularly successful by offering links for each of the next meetings. By discovering the dates of upcoming matches, the Internet user may be more likely to book his ticket.

Why optimize your local SEO?

Merchants, especially merchants who specifically target their municipality and surroundings, would be wrong to miss out on Google My Business. This service highlights many establishments on a large number of requests. Hotels and restaurants that do not benefit or do not want to appear on intermediary platforms can attract Internet users if they use the tool correctly.

How to optimize your landing pages?

Each page should fit into your overall SEO and user experience strategy. Develop your content to enrich the lexical field and tell a story to Internet users. There is nothing more depressing for a visitor than to successively come across manufacturers' descriptions, taken back as they are by retailers.

SEO services in Lahore implement two techniques in SXO that can increase your conversion rate. On the one hand, this is Eye Tracking and, on the other hand, A / B testing. The first concept is useful for determining what order the elements of a page are observed and identifying the areas where the visitor's gaze lingers the most.

Regarding A / B testing, which certainly deserves a file on its own, this is similar to a competition of two pages presenting the same product or service. The elements (colors of the titles, positioning of the body of the text, images, purchase button, or form to be filled in, etc.) that compose it are arranged differently. The tool records Internet users' actions and conversions without them realizing that they land on the first or second version of the same page. There are very distinct levels of performance, depending on the choices made by the merchants.

All the approaches that we have presented should not obscure the importance of technical optimizations and net linking work. It is the combination of all these often time-consuming tasks that allow a site to attract more Internet users, provide them with relevant answers, and retain them.
